The Breeders Challenge – Committee and Purpose

The purpose of the Breeders Challenge is to enhance the activities of Belgian breeders and the exhibiting of the offspring at a future designated show. An annual service sale will be held that offers the nominated stallions services, only the offspring from these services will be eligible to compete in the breeders challenge. This program also serves as a fundraiser for future NABC’s, The Belgian Draft Horse Alliance Inc., and generates the prize monies for the Breeders Challenge Classes.

The Breeders Challenge will operate as program within the Belgian Alliance with a committee comprised
of at least three members; these members will include:

  • Andrew Beachy
  • Edward Yoder
    • These two founding members will be lifetime committee members unless they
      choose to step down, at that time another individual will be placed on the
      committee agreed upon by the other serving members.
  • One board member of The Belgian Draft Horse Alliance Inc.
  • Organization of Annual Service sale
  • Billing and collection of stallion nominations and services purchased
  • Record keeping of eligible horses
  • Advertising and promotion of Breeders Challenge
  • Preparing and presenting an annual report for review by The Belgian Draft Horse Alliance Inc.
  • Establish the payouts of the prize monies
  • Serve as advisory board on the allocation of the monies for future NABC’s
  • Adjust and change the rules and regulations of the Breeders Challenge as seen best for continuation of the program.


The 2028 Breeders Challenge will give breeders and exhibitors an opportunity to participate in an exclusive class at the NABC in 2028, and to help generate funds for future NABC shows and the BELGIAN DRAFT HORSE ALLIANCE.

Stage 1:

Stallion owners will nominate their stallions into the 2028 Breeders Challenge Program. Owners can elect for one or two services per horse nominated. A catalog/program will be created to advertise and promote both the stallions, and the program. To be included in this program, nominations must be made by December 1, 2024, to be advertised in the catalog. Late entrants will be accepted up until the day before the stallion service sale and be offered for auction at the conclusion of cataloged horses. All Stallions nominated must be registered, DNA/JEB tested, and ownership must be the same as recorded with the Belgian Draft Horse Corporation of America as nominated in this program. By nominating your stallion, you are responsible for a five hundred ($500) minimum bid. Payment of any bid above five hundred ($500) will be the responsibility of the bidder.


Stallion fees will be sold at the MID- AMERICA DRAFT HORSE SALE, February 21, 2025, starting at 8:00 am local time. Services can be purchased via both live and telephone bidding.


Upon purchasing stallion service, fees must be paid in full, to The Belgian Draft Horse Alliance, within 90 days to remain eligible for the program. Mares bred to these stallions are to be determined by September 1, 2025, and the nomination form returned to the Belgian Alliance by this date. Mare owners are allowed to submit two (2) mares per stallion service they purchased with the second service fee to be negotiated between the stallion owner and the mare owner. The purchaser during the Breeders Challenge service sale must be listed as at least partial owner on the registration papers of mare that is nominated. If the mare owner chooses to breed a second mare to the stallion nominee they purchased, all breeding fees and arrangements are the responsibility of those two parties.


The death of a Stallion before time of breeding will result in a refund to the purchaser. A change in ownership of a stallion may be changed mid process, but the stallion owner at the time of breeding will then be credited as the stallion nominee seller. If the new stallion owner does not wish to participate in the program, fees will be the responsibility of the original stallion owner. The Breeders Challenge committee must be made aware of all ownership changes in a timely manner, to ensure accuracy in the program.

Proceeds from the stallion services sold along with the nomination fees will be distributed in the following manner:

-50% will go into a Breeders Challenge Purse.

This purse will be distributed to original stallion owners, breeder of the animals, and

exhibitors of the animals. One animal can result in a payment to one, two, or three individuals.

-30% will go to future NABC’s

-15% will to the Belgian Draft Horse Alliance

-5% will go towards administrative funds and class awards

If a mare is sold that has been entered into the program, she can remain eligible as long as she is the only mare entered in the program as bred to the nominated stallion. (i.e. Stallion nominee purchaser cannot breed two mares, sell one and have both remain eligible for program.)


Failure to pay for any service fee purchased or bought back ($500 minimum) within 90 days will result in those individuals being ineligible to exhibit and/or receive premiums for any horse that is exhibited in the Breeders Challenge.

                -This includes services that are purchased by joint parties that are not paid (all parties listed are ineligible to receive premiums)

                – Horses eligible prior to nonpayment will remain eligible for participation


Stage 2:

In 2026 – 2028 Breeders Challenge Foals will hit the ground!! Eligible foals must have the Breeders

Challenge form submitted by September 1, 2026. Anyone who submitted two mares for the stallion

service they purchased, must choose which foal will remain eligible at this time. These forms will

be made available and must include a copy of the horse’s registration paper.

If someone purchases both services to a stallion in a given year, that individual can nominate up to four (4) mares and can choose any of the four (4) offspring to remain eligible for the Breeders Challenge and are allotted two entries into the competition.


Stage 3:

Eligible animals must be entered to the 2028 Breeders Challenge show by the proper deadline determined by the show.  There will be no entry fee for the Breeders Challenge Program, but exhibitors will be

responsible for any stall fees, exhibitor charges, and other fees that may be applicable.

The 2-year-olds (2025 service sale offspring, foals of 2026) will show in two classes at the 2028 Breeders Challenge show on separate days. These will be a standard halter class, and a cart driving class. Each class will

count equally (50/50) towards final standings. The yearling (2026 service sale offspring; foals of 2027) and weanlings (2027 service sale offspring; foals of 2028) will show in a halter class only.


Stage 4:

2028 Breeders Challenge Program purse will be distributed to the top 15 exhibitors, breeder, and

stallion nominator.

Purse will be distributed as follows:

Original stallion owners – 20%

Breeder – 20%

Exhibitor – 60%

Exact payout schedule for placings 1-15 will be provided in 2027.

The mare & foal nominating forms will be sent out in July


Please direct any/all questions and nominations to the Program committee members:

Andrew Beachy – 330-317-3213
4567 S. Mt Eaton Rd. Dalton, OH 44618
[email protected]


Cole Steinbrick– 419-967-007
5950 E Port Clinton Road Marblehead, OH 43440
[email protected]


Edward Yoder– 574-642-0523
11770 W 400 S Millersburg, IN 46543

2028 Breeders Challenge
Premier Sire and Premier Dam Award

Based on the results from all 3 Breeders Challenge Program Divisions (2yr old, yearling, and weanling) the Premier Sire and Premier Dam as well as the reserves of the 2028 Breeders Challenge will be determined. Sires and Dams are eligible for these awards even if they do not have an animal exhibited in all 3 divisions. If a Sire or Dam has two animals in each division, only the highest placing will be counted. In the two year old division, the OVERALL placing will be used, not the placing of both the hitch and halter portion.

The points are to be given as follows:
Placings from each division will be tallied
1st – 20 points
2nd –18 points
3rd –16
4th –15
5th –14
6th –13
7th –12
8th –11
9th -10
10th -9
11th -8
12th -7
13th -6
14th -5
15th -4
16th and below – 2 points

In the event of a tie, the Sire/Dam with the highest placing 2 year old animal will determine the winner; if there are no 2 year olds the highest placing yearling will be used to determine the winners.

2028 Breeders Challenge Premier Sire and Dam will each be awarded $3000

2028 Breeders Challenge Res. Premier Sire and Dam will be awarded $2000